Because there are six possible out comes the denominator of our fraction would be 6. So on a dice we have to find how many numbers are 1, or less than two. Because the only number less than two is 1, our numerator will be 1. This will make our fraction 1/6.
Changing the composition of least some components of the rock.
A bomb cyclone is basically a storm that can rival the strength of a hurricane. They're called bomb cyclones or "weather bombs" because of the process that creates them (bombogenesis) basically bombogenesis is a storm that undergoes rapid strengthening.
The word bombogenesis comes from two words: bomb and cyclogenesis. All storms are cyclones and genesis means the creation or beginning and in this case bomb means explosive development so all together it means explosive storm strengthening
Bomb cyclones happen more in winter months and can carry hurricane force winds, cause coastal flooding and HEAVY snow. Bomb cyclones happen when a quickly forming storm results in a drop in atmospheric pressure of at least 24 millibars.
Basically its like a hurricane but stronger sometimes. The wind and flooding make it more like a hurricane but the blizzards and snow make it stronger
It is mainly about the geography
2.656 km
Velocity of sound in the air = 332 m/s
time t= 8 sec

=2656 meters =2.656 km
therefore, distance = 2.656 km
Florida has lightening quite often because
Florida receives a lot of heat through out the year, air close the ground is warmed and frequent sea breezes (Florida is surrounded by seas and oceans) provide the necessary lift and moisture for the formation of thunderstorms. This why lightning is common Florida