The metaphor for life in this poem is a monopoly game.
Victor assaults his investigations with excitement and, overlooking his public activity and his family far away in Geneva, gains quick ground. Later, Ardently dedicating himself to this work, he ignores everything else; family, companions, studies, and public activity, and becomes progressively pale, desolate, and fixated.
“What happened? Why are you limping?” says Miss Prokes.
“Uh... I was just walking down the stairs but suddenly I stumbled and fell,” she says.
“Claire, how many times have I told you not to rush down the stairs, but you still do not pay attention to my words,” Miss Prokes sighs and says in a lowly voice.
1. Determine purpose
2. Narrow the subject
3. Find reliable sources
4. Brainstorm
5. Audience
6. Organize the information
7. Make an outline
8. Voice Tone Draft
9. Determine a thesis
10. Edit
11. Revise
Alex was late is the right one