¡Hola! Yo trabajo como voluntaria en el refugio de animales. Yo les limpio las jaulas a los animales. Las limpio de lunes a viernes. Les doy comida a los animales; se la doy de lunes a viernes. Para llegar al refugio de animales, paro en la señal de alto y doblo a la izquierda en la calle Orange. El refugio de animales está a la derecha, entre el restaurante y el supermercado.
Translation: Hi! I volunteer at the animal shelter. I clean the cages for the animals. I clean them from Monday to Friday. I feed the animals; I give it to him from Monday to Friday. To get to the animal shelter, I stop at the stop sign and turn left onto Orange Street. The animal shelter is on the right, between the restaurant and the supermarket.
<em>-- Hope this helped :) !</em>
A month ago
Need any more help?
My first language is spanish and I think the best answer would be "que te pasó?"
Apparently someone else had the same question as you. Well since I answered that person’s questions, I hope that the screenshots that I send you are helpful.
yo me levante y luego me bane. lluego me lave los dientes. despues me puse mi ropa. luego me peino el pelo. y lluego ya es hora de escuela y me voy a la escuela.