Answer: Warning his fellow colonists in the middle of the night that the Redcoats were approaching
Paul Revere was a patriot who rode to notify the colonists about a British advance, and by doing so he provided the local militia an advantage through the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which would start the Revolutionary War and eventually lead to the American independence.
His patriotic act would be later retold in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Paul Revere’s Ride.”
Providence was in agreement with the native americans and the people were promised religious freedom and separation of church and state. Another dissident who is anne hutchinson educated that worshippers to did not need the church or its ministers to understand the bible for them. Displaced from the colony with her family and a band of followers and escaped first to rhode island and after her husband died to new netherlands which later developed portion of new york where she died in a war with native americans.
Brown V. Board of Education helped the civil rights movement of the 50's as it declared that school segregation between white's and black's was unconstitutuional and therefor not allowed in the United States.
They were helping people learn a new language because it would help them and give them better opertunties to get work and understand people around them. This was very important for them because without learning a new language they could not speak to the people. I think it's very good they learned a new language