The workers can not only bargain their salary but also working conditions, job security and benefits through the union. To get their demands, the unions rely on various strategies during the course of bargaining, including striking, parading, boycott and collective bargaining.
The internet lol
Our right to bear arms was and original amendment in the constitution but is currently being challenged due to the world’s advancement in technology and their easy access. Events such as the Orlando Shoot and Sandy Hook can provoke stricter gun laws in the future.
Slaves helped the economy
Slaves labor was able to to improve the economy by being used for to labor to harvest cotton. Cotton was was King in the south as the south depended so much on it.
The Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America. This would transform peoples' lives forever.
In the 15th century, Europe sought to expand trade routes to find new sources of wealth and bring Christianity to the East and any newly found lands. This European Age of Discovery saw the rise of colonial empires on a global scale, building a commercial network that connected Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.