Drought and desertification are closely related phenomena. Persisting over months or years, drought can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. While drought is a natural phenomenon, whose impacts can be exacerbated by human activities that are not adapted to the local climate, land degradation is the process of turning fertile land into less or non-productive land. In extreme cases in drylands this is called desertification. Land degradation and desertification are complex phenomena driven by un-adapted human activity in combination with land and climatic constraints. Inappropriate land use, such as monocultures, and unsustainable land management practices, such as deforestation, unsuitable agricultural practices and overexploitation of water resources), can cause land degradation that can be further aggravated by drought.
That depends on how close you are to the equator, in coulombia the temperature barely changes wile in south Canada it changes every season
The tundra is a biome on the Earth that covers approximately 20% of its land mass, and it is almost exclusively located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is an environment that helps in the regulation of the CO2 in the atmosphere, and it is one of the biggest natural CO2 sinks. The living organisms in the tundra, are using the CO2 for their needs, thus removing parts of it from the atmosphere, and when they die, because the tundra is cold, and the decomposition is very slow, most of the CO2 remains trapped, and doesn't go into the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the global warming is slowly changing the tundra, and prolongs the summer periods, thus reducing the permafrost period of the year, so the decomposition of the living organisms is getting quicker, and also bigger percentage of the CO2 from them gets to the atmosphere.
Image result for how we can calculate the ratio of area of a country to area of inscribed circle
Required ration=πr2:2r2=π:2.