Well, what are the options?
Correct answer:
<h2>C. The Scientific Revolution</h2>
The "modern era" in history was introduced by the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, so from around 1500 to early 1800s. The "early modern era" would be the beginning of the modern era, with thinkers like Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes sending intellectual history in a new direction. The modern era was a movement forward to scientific thinking and searching for reasonable explanations and solutions, in contrast to the medieval era's adherence to traditions, superstitions and religious beliefs.
The invention of gunpowder happened in China already around AD 850, long before the start of the modern era.
The exploration of outer space and the creation of the Internet occurred in the 20th century, about 500 years after the modern era had begun.
I forgot his name however he was had something to do with slaves.
One Way organizations are trying to slow down global warming is A) Saving the Rain Forest.
Most of Britain<span> was under </span>Roman<span> rule for almost </span>400<span> years, but when the </span>Roman<span> Empire ... </span>While<span> the neighbors of </span>Roman Britain<span> may not have agreed with this ... London itself was almost </span>abandoned<span> and even the hill-forts of the ancient Celts ... The Relationship Between the Byzantines & the Europeans </span>After<span> the Crusades.</span>