(C) They can both be polluted by pesticides and fertilizers
The theme of this story may be somewhere in the lines of "live your life to the fullest, don't waste any opportunities".
Wharton uses irony to express and convey this idea of living life and being free. For example, the writer mentions that the woman in the story hadn't had the chance of people envying her wedding presents (while her husband was very sick and in bed rest) This meant that she was more worried about living her life and people knowing she was a newlywed than her husband actually dying.
The story describes how this woman felt life hadn't been fair with her and she only wanted to live life up to its fullest, regardless of her surroundings and what was happening to her.
<span>"The fact had all gone abroad..." is rags to riches.
The quote describes how the eating house went from "being a poor, struggling...enterprise" to being "celebrated, overcrowded with customers.
"Why, it isn't six months..." is also rags to riches.
He is described at first as sitting up nights on extra allowance to being a millionaire.
"When the crash should come..." is impending doom.
The very beginning indicates that something bad (the crash) is coming. This quote also mentions total destruction.
"Please get those things off..." is rags to riches.
He literally changes his clothes from something ordinary to clothes that were made to order for a prince.
"Deep in debt, not a cent" is wealth worship.
In this quote, he is wishing for a salary that may never materialize.</span>
“The air on the is by turns foggy and cool and salty and warm. There are moss roses and fragrant stands of eucalyptus. You might call it beautiful, but you are a detainee, not a vacationer, and you are very far from any place that you could call home.” This quote from the story, The Writing on the Wall, helps develop the central idea of the story by explaining how the outside of America seemed inviting and perfect but on the inside, it is crucial and lonely. Immigrants were “detainees” and it would be a hard adjustment. I can see how immigrants would turn to poetry to release their emotions.