1. The highest temperature in microwave for reheating depends on the manufacturers, but a study shows that it can reach up to 191oC for reheating and up to 200oC for cooking [4]. Microwave-safe plastics are those being able to withstand without smelting.
2. Microwaving food in plastic can cause chemicals to leach to food. Migration is likely to be greater with fatty food such as cheese and meat.
3. The best types of plastic for kitchen are those don't contain phthalates (polyvinyle chloride) and bisphenol A (polycarbonate). By contrast, the worst contain one of the two.[1][2][3]
Phthalates and bisphenol A are endocrine disrupters, both are known as reproductive toxicants. So if you use plastic in microwave, choose the ones with microwave-safe label. It's because they must pass a strict safety test by FDA to come to the market.[1][2]
4. we had better not stay out late
5. I ought to have a ticket before I get on the bus
I think the sea might symbolize a place that brings comfort, yet also brings sadness. I the first couple of sentences, the text shows how the sea is calm and how the air smelled sweet, revealing that the sea was a place that brings you comfort. Another part that supports the sea being a place that brings comfort and sadness in the last sentence which reads "...Begin, and cease, and then again begin, with tremulous cadence slow, and bring the eternal note of sadness in." This reveals that although the sea brings comfort and tranquility, it too does bring sadness.
Hope this helped~!
Exactly what it says. We are all the same, in different ways
Like, we are all the same species. Right? Human. We all have human nature, instincts, and we all have eyes, ear, and noses (unless you've lost some, unfortunately. But you were most likely born with them!) But we have different temperaments, attitudes, opinions, and we look different. We talk different. But it's in our nature to look for friends, to want to be liked by others, and to be happy in general. But depending on how we were raised, our <em>morals </em>fluctuate and we change and are shaped by what goes on around us. But at our base, we're human. We have different cultures, but we each <em>have </em>culture (if that makes sense.) We have different versions of the same things. For example, every country has their own form of bread. It may be a tortilla, or pasta, or whatever, but it's <em>bread. </em>The same, but different in many ways.
<em>(Hope that helps and made sense!)</em>