Actually I had that quiz and the answer was Patrons.
The Prohibition Party is an example of a party that was created for a single purpose or goal. This party was created in the year 1869. The sole purpose of the Prohibition Party was to stop the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States of America. I hope the answer helps you.
Example A: checks and balances; Example B: separation of powers
The Founding Fathers were afraid of a government with too much power, which it feared could take away people's basic rights. They believed in creating a limited and constitutional government. Therefore, the U.S. Constitution divides the powers of government into three separate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. We call this the separation of powers. Some of the powers of each branch were designed to limit, or "check," the overall power of the other branches. The purpose of these checks is to balance the branches of government so that no one branch could become too powerful. Example A is an example of checks and balances at work. The U.S. Supreme court (judicial branch) checked the power of the U.S. Congress (legislative branch) by declaring a law that they made unconstitutional. Example B shows separation of powers. The U.S. Congress (legislative branch) passed a law and the Internal Revenue Service (executive branch) enforces it. This is an example of how the U.S. Constitution divides the powers of government into three separate branches.
it happened because of airplanes
two airplanes crash landed by terrorists into both world trade centers
this caused a lot of damage because all the countries traded there
i learned this in school