1 : how many betas in treble clef 4/4 - 4 beats
2: how many beats in bass clef 2/4 - 2 beats
3: how many beats are there in each measure - 3 beats
4 - Quarter Note
5 - Quarter Note
6- Quarter Note
Personally, I love both drawing and perspective. So I <em>may</em> be able to help.
I think what your trying to convey here is that your bedroom drawings look dull and flat. I will do my best to assist you!
My favorite way to make anything pop is to add <em>perspective</em>, and you mention the fact that you find perspective hard to grasp.
<em>(lxnk not provided due to the increase in lxnk bots, i dont wanna get my account deleted so just search up on yxutxbe "how to draw perspective" and cIick the one that appeals to you the most"</em>
<em />
When I was a beginner artist, this vidxo definitely helped me a lot and I recommend you check it out. It mentions certain topics that I personally found really hard to grasp, and this video made me feel more confident about the subject.
Hope this helps! c:
Honestly I would stay calm and do my best