The statement “Japan proved to the world that it was a rising power by defeating Russian troops in 1905, which led to the creation of the Treaty of Portsmouth” is false. It is the Treaty of Portsmouth that formally ended the war between the Russia and Japan in 1904 until 1905 contrary to the statement implying that the Treaty of Portsmouth is the product of the Japanese win against the Russian. The Treaty of Portsmouth is a settlement that ultimately gave Japan control over Korea and South Manchuria, including Port Arthur and the railway connecting it to the rest of the region.
true yes brainliest answer
Credit card, it's money they don't currently have but will be able to pay for in the future
This is Thomas Jefferson, who was a Republican leader when the party system took hold. He went on to become president of the United States and considered Alexander Hamilton to be a political rival.
American troops would leave within one year and American POWs in North Vietnam would be freed. are best explanation of the two conditions agreed upon to bring an end to the Vietnam War.
On Jan. 23, 1973, President Richard Nixon proclaimed an accord had been moved to end the Vietnam War. In a televised speech, Nixon said the agreement would “end the war and bring peace with honor.” North Vietnam forces pushed south, and by the spring of 1975 were nearing the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon.Finishing the Vietnam War, 1969–1973. President Richard M. Nixon appropriated duty for the Vietnam War as he affirmed the oath of office on January 20, 1969. He acknowledged that ending this war justly was essential to his success in the chairmanship.