For the Puritans, it was to get away from the King and get religious freedom, for the Separatists, it was for freedom from the kings rule. So the answer is probably Freedom.
Inventiile medievale au dus la dezvoltarea societatii.
Spre exemplu, tiparul a fost inventat in secolul XV si a dus la crearea de izovoare scrise si totodata la dezvoltarea educatiei.
So 15 is 5% of a number
x% means x/100 so
so 15=1/20
multiply both sides by 20
300=1of the nuber
the answer is 300
Frederick Douglass is very detailed in his description of Mr. Plummer because Mr. Plummer and I quote “Was a miserable drunkard, a profane swearer, and a savage monster.” Mr. Plummer was the one that gave him the very memory of his aunt having her hands held by a hook and standing on her toes on a stool, and being whipped even after blood was pouring from her veins. He was a cruel man that didn’t care about what happened to the slaves. He was so descriptive about Mr. Plummer because Mr. Plummer left a “scar” on him. He left an emotional scar that Frederick will never forget.