South Carolina used slaves for the same reasons every other state used them for. It helped save them money,
For example, they have to pay someone for work but they used African Americans as slaves by forcing them into labor and not paying them. Resulting in saving of money
So it was important to South Carolina to help save money as well as pick cotton for other important uses.
In this retelling of a World War II legend, New York Times best-selling author Carmen Agra Deedy poignantly remind us of the power of a good, wise leader. Paired with Henri Sørensen's arresting full-color portraits, this is a powerful and dignified story of heroic justice.
Authors: Carmen Agra Deedy
Interior illustrations by: Henri Sorensen
Very many.
85% - 95% of Native Americans have died due to disease from Europe, with Europeans exploring the New Continent, and animals being brought over from Europe, most couldn't fight the diseases.
A sales tax is a type of indirect tax.
A sales tax is an indirect tax on point-of-purchase consumption for certain goods and services. This type of tax is usually calculated as a percentage of the final price to the consumer and is added to the price (tax-exclusive) or is already included (tax-inclusive).
The sales tax is the responsibility of the final consumer only; any intermediate buyer must produce a resale certificate to clear it and sales taxes are levied on any buyer who can not produce such a document.
The sales tax is set by each state and ranges from 0% (Oregon, Alaska, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Delaware) to 8.75% (California). In some cases, cities or counties also set a sales tax, which is added to the state tax (the maximum rate is applied in some counties in commercial zones of Illinois with 11.5% in total). The national average is about 6%.