Answer: Although produced in both males and females, by the mid-teens, estradiol production in females is 8 times greater than it was before puberty, while testosterone production in males is 20 times greater than it was before puberty.
Puberty is the transition phase in which somatic growth and sexual development are completed, with the consequent acquisition of reproductive capacity. Estradiol is the most potent and abundant estrogen, it is secreted by the ovarian follicle granulosa cells and also by the corpus luteum. testosterone is the hormone responsible for the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, sperm production and increased sexual drive, aggression, height growth and physical strength, among others. There are many differences in body composition between both sexes, and those differences are also present in the hormones concentration. While estradiol is 8 times greater after puberty in females, this number is 20 times greatern in males, when we are talking about testosterone
The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the seas towards it, causing the ocean tides. Gravity creates stars and planets by pulling together the material from which they are made. Gravity not only pulls on mass but also on light.
of worms can survive living near underwater valcano vents then life can thrive in hot evoroments because worms are indicators of life
The fever is the immune system's attempt to kill the infection. Very rarely, however, this immune response can result in a fever high enough to cause permanent harm or even life-threatening complications due to overheating.
Since UAG is a stop codon, it would introduce an early termination on the translation of the sequence.