1.3.12Practice:Written Assignment: Searching and DoubtingPracticeSpanish III Sem 2Points Possible:60Name:Elijah MooreYou are going to show that you know how to use the subjunctive with impersonal expressions, as well as the indicative with describing specific people or things. This part should be four sentences in all. (16 points; 4 points each)●Describe a friend of yours in two sentences using the indicative. (Tengo un amigo que…)●Describe your ideal partner in two sentences using the subjunctive. Use expressions like 'I need' or 'I'm looking for' if you are stumped on how to begin your sentences. (Busco a una persona que…)
hola cómo estás haciendo vecino. Para llegar a su destino final, primero debe tomar su automóvil al aeropuerto. Deténgase en la calle Green Leaf. Debe tomar la salida 35 para ir al aeropuerto. La ubicación exacta es 2786 aeropuerto internacional de California. Usted ha arived en su destino, tener un vuelo seguro.