The convertible car drove by with the top down.
Free verse poetry is poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or musical form. While free verse poems are not devoid of structure, they allow enormous leeway for poets, particularly when compared to more metrically strict forms like blank verse.
Another answer: Closed form poetry, also known as fixed form, consists of poems that follow patterns of lines, meter, rhymes, and stanzas, whereas open form poetry does not.
Summary of plot: The Price of Child is a fictionalized account of a young woman,traveling with her slave owner and two of her three children,who takes the bold step of declaring her freedom and beginning a new life as a free woman.Philadelphia in 1855 is the main setting for this story.
- formal tone
- use of the third-person rather than first-person perspective (usually)
- a clear focus on the research problem under investigation, and precise word choice
Another synonym for torrid is sweltering, because the definition for torrid is hot.