Cowboys in the 1820s and 1830s begins the first cattle drives. When Anglo Americans came in the 1820s and 1830s, ranching practices were well established. Cowboys were called vaqueros after the Spanish word vaca for “cow.” They herded cattle into Corrales or corrals.
By the early 1700s, cattle ranching had spread north into what is now Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico and south to Argentina. The native cowboys were called vaqueros(from the Spanish word for cow) and developed roping skills, using braided rawhide reatas (the root word for lariat).
Ethiopia was the only African nation that successfully resisted against the Europeans. Its victory was due to one man- Menelik II.
Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic were very important for the emerging American power in the Caribbean because they were territories formerly in the possession of the European powers (Spain and France), which once independent limited the power of these nations in the region.
Thus, the fact that Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic were constituted as independent nations caused the European colonial powers to lose weight in the Caribbean Sea, leaving a power vacuum that was used by the United States to establish itself as the main power of the region.
In the electoral history of the US and other democratic countries, except for unusual circumstances or events, the economy is the main concern of voters. People are more concerned about having jobs, getting incomes to raise kids and keep families, having the possibility of buying a home, and so on. Normally, people are less worried about events in foreign countries.
The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement originally set forth in 1823 which created separate spheres of European and American influence. The United States promised to stay out of European business and told the Europeans to stay out of the Western Hemisphere's business.