The higher the elevation, the cooler the temperatures.
Temperatures in the region range from very hot to well below freezing.
Altitude's greatest impact is on the amount of precipitation the region experiences.
The climate is extremely diverse and depends on the landscape of a particular area. Daily fluctuations are very large (up to 20°C) .
One can observe different climatic conditions as the height increases - from moderate temperate zones to cold. The height of the Andean mountain range mainly affects the climatic diversity of the Andean region, but also affects the aridity of the coast, preventing the passage of rain from the east (from Selva).
50 is your correct answer
Why did support of the war dwindle by the late 1960s? Support of the war decreased in 1960s because americans unsupported the war because of the increase of requested soldiers once the Americans were attacked with the Tet Offensive. ... Many considered the war a waste of time and a failure.
What was the impact<span> of trade routes on emerging colonies in the Americas?” ... with the greatest </span>impact<span> on New World colonies, was the </span>Triangular Trade<span>, ... in New England, where merchants sent rum and other </span>North American<span> goods to ... Trade </span>did<span> not automatically translate into sustained development.</span>