True. The fact that they were in groups makes them a civilization. However, the criteria for civilization is fluid and I would need more information from the lesson to give a definitive answer.
Corona is a big problem in America but as a country we are working together to try and recouperate.
German people, whether Nazis or not, truly held to the idea that Germany was fighting for its freedom, even for its actual existence. But for Hitler, WWII was not about conquering former German territory in Poland or about consolidating nationalism for Germans living outside Germany. WWII was about the creation of a new racial order, one of German superiority over Slavs and Jews.
There was a strong politization of Germans after World War I. Once Hitler came to power in 1933, brainwash and seduction were the methods to reach German people. Even though questions of race, authority and loyalty were regularly deliberated, and only a minority became absolutely Nazis, most people were in agreement with the premises of the regime, including the confinement of German Jews. While most Germans had little idea about the Holocaust, this support made them accomplices of Hilter's "final solution".
Scholars study the bronze export goods that fill shipwrecks from the era.
Scholars have carried out studies that include a report of the 1960 excavation of a Late Bronze Age shipwreck in Gelidonya, that included another publication and a summary of conclusions. Also, there have been other discoveries which include artifacts and took place in Cape Gelidonya from 1987 until 1989, the excavation of another earlier Late Bronze Age shipwreck of Turkey, and the results of modern techniques of analysis performed in laboratories.
Choosing not to back either side is known as neutrality. India would have been considered neutral in the conflict.