Answer:The Mississippi Company arranged ships to move 800 more, who landed in Louisiana in 1718, doubling the European population. Law encouraged some German-speaking peoples, including Alsatians and Swiss, to emigrate. They give their name to the regions of the Côte des Allemands and the Lac des Allemands in Louisiana.
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A. The scientists who are scholars in the aspect of languages are known as linguists. What they do is to define language by studying diverse aspects of human language, including words (morphology), sounds (phonetics, phonology), sentences (syntax), and meaning (semantics).
B. Slips of the tongue in whatever forms or situations are errors which happen involuntarily in spontaneous or unplanned speech. Overall speech errors are classified for numerous reasons which includes: normal brain, normal retrieval cues, rule-governed (they follow conventional patterns, a type of error that keeps re-occurring)
The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land in the United States. It creates a federal system of government in which power is shared between the federal government and the state governments. Due to federalism, both the federal government and each of the state governments have their own court systems. Discover the differences in structure, judicial selection, and cases heard in both systems.
FIRST: You had tell the person that you were going to start an action against them to be heard in "court". You had to bring witnesses with you so your witnesses could testify that the person was told why you were bringing an action, and that you had given this person a date, time, and location that they had to appear in court to defend themselves.
SECOND: You had to post a written notice near the courthouse that clearly stated the names of both parties, the charges, and the date, time, and location of your first trip to court on this action.
FIRST TIME IN COURT: The first trip gave both parties a chance to speak before a judge. If the judge felt there was enough cause, that judge would assign a trial date. That trial date had to be posted as well.
JURY SELECTION, TRIAL BY JURY: To be on a jury, you had to be a citizen. You had to be over 30 years of age. You had to swear that you would be fair to both sides. You did get paid. Juries were selected from volunteers. The number of jurors could be huge. Some trials had as many as 500 jurors who had volunteered to judge a case. Only the jury could bring in a decision that someone was guilty or innocent. The judge only kept order, but could not decide a trial outcome.
THE TRIAL: Both sides presented their case. Then the jurors voted. Majority ruled.
PUNISHMENT: Punishments varied. If found guilty, both sides, the person bringing the charge and the person being charged, suggested a punishment. The jury could not choose a third choice. They had to choice one suggestion or the other.
The power of the media to draw the public attention to the particular issues and the problems is called as agenda-setting.
Agenda-setting list of issues that government officials and non-governmental people who are closely associated with government officials always pay serious attention the center of attention. Setting an agenda is also very important politically, as the public agenda influences the political agenda. That is, candidates try to focus on issues that the public wants to hear. Agenda-setting theory suggests that media outlets shape the political debate by determining the most important issues and presenting them on news programs. The media has been described as the primary authority in choosing which news to report and prioritize based on what they believe people will be interested in.
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