Hi, Toni, I'm so glad, how are you? I'm Maykel Oropeza, associate of Herbalife, helped people improve their nutrition, their way of living life more healthily and with a great capacity to change their own life, to want to lose weight, tone your body, solve digestive problems, increase muscle mass and improve sports performance ⚽. If you are interested, do not hesitate to write me. regards
1) matematicas y ciencas
2) una mochila y pluma
3) reunión
4) doce de la tarde
5) guitarra
If it is the same person talking it's A. van
If it is the people responding to the question it's C. vamps
But it's probably the first one A
El lenguaje figurado es aquel por el cual una palabra expresa una idea en términos de otra, apelando a una semejanza que puede ser real o imaginaria. El lenguaje figurado se opone al lenguaje denotativo o literal por el cual las palabras tienen el sentido que define su significado exacto.