9.785: Nueve coma siete ocho cinco
642: Seiscientos cuarenta y dos
69.750: Sesenta y nueve coma siete cinco
10.035: Diez coma cero tres cinco
163: Ciento sesenta y tres
2.310.400: dos coma tres uno cero coma Cuatro cero cero
83.860: Ochenta y tres coma ocho seis
542.106: Quinientos cuarenta y dos coma uno cero seis
4.079: Cuatro coma cero siete nueve
137: Ciento treinta y siete
espero que esto ayude
Answer: Hi Lucy:
!I'm very happy! Yesterday, my mom and I went shopping. I like to go with her because she knows a lot about fashion. To me is very important to buy clothing that's fashion... I love it!
Yesterday, I bought a really pretty skirt with stripes. I also liked one with squares but the squares are not fashion. I also bought a sweater that I didn't really like but that I've always seen on TV. I bought a lot of things more. Why don't you come to my house so you can see what I bought?
45.5 meters/13seconds = 3.5m/sec hope that helps
Si tienes un hipertension hatre in hidromasaje hasta que te sirntas heterodoxia