I assume you mean the verb conjugation of the present perfect? It's used to talk about things that started in the past, but are still going on right now (in the present) or something that happened recently.
To form it use the past participle of haber + the past participle of another word. For example:
He visto las montañas de Perú
(I have seen the mountains of Peru)
Hemos vuelto para comprar la leche
(We have returned to buy milk)
Habéis cantado muy bien
(You have/You've sung very well)
If you need more info, here is a good place: http://www.spanishdict.com/guide/spanish-present-perfect-indicative
El anuncio radial es un texto publicitario que se trasmite de forma oral por las ondas radiofónicas y tiene como propósito persuadir a otros de comprar un producto o un servicio, participar en un evento o realizar acciones de interés social.
Correct answer since Sara was invited .
Hi !!!
"Don't speak !" would be "no habla ! " (tu command imperativo)
hablar (imperativo tense)
habla (tu)
hable (el/ella/Ud)
hablemos (nosotros)
hablad (vosotros)
hablen (ellos/ellas/Ustedes)
sorry for the accent...don't have the right keyboard !!
hope I helped :)