A student might practice the earthquake drill (Drop, cover, and hold on during your earthquake drill) if they lived in the middle of a tectonic plate.
The lower strengths species B, the outcome failure
The more prominent strengths of species A will have, the outcome succeeds
By conducting to plant more trees and reducing the use of gas that emitting Co2 that cause to rise the temperature.
1. 2. chemicals in the injected fluids can get into groundwater that is used for drinking water;
B). Hydraulic fracturing allows geologists to capture natural gas stored in the pore spaces of shale.
- Fracking is a huge amount of the water that must be transported to sight at a significant environmental cost and occurrence of the minor tremors and is environmentally and potentially dangerous chemicals of they escape during the drilling and pollute the groundwater.
- And the hydraulic fracking is drilling methods used to extract the natural oil and gas from deep inside the earth and is used to study the geology of the earth.