Dwight Eisenhower's experience with Cold War containment was born directly from the Second World War, in the sense that his objectives seemed very clear. By the time Nixon came to office, it was less clear about how the US should deal with the USSR, and it showed in Nixon's policies.
Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942.
Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on China. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor External, Hawaii Territory, killing more than 2,300 Americans. The U.S.S. Arizona was fully destroyed and also the U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized. A total of twelve ships sank or were aground within the attack and 9 further vessels were broken. More than a hundred and sixty craft were destroyed and over a hundred and fifty others were damaged. The United States declared war on Japan the following day, December 8. On December 11, Nazi Germany, Japan's Axis ally, declared war on the United States. This forced the United States to enter a two-front war. Japan occupies a succession of countries, as well as the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma, and Malaya. In June, US aircraft carriers defeat the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. The US begins a method of "'island-hopping", cutting the Japanese support lines as its forces advance. The surrender of Imperial Japan was proclaimed by Japanese Emperor Hirohito on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945, ending years of bloody fighting in a ceremony aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. It's known as V-J Day in some countries.
Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not?
Admiral Yamamoto didn't build a wise call on the bombing of Pearl Harbor because although he was doing well at the time since he hit them by without notice. Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku spent months planning an attack that aimed to destroy the Pacific Fleet and destroy morale in the U.S. Navy resulted in the destruction of 180 U.S. aircraft and more than 3,400 American casualties.
The Americans came back and attacked them worse than they had attacked the Americans in the first place. Pearl Harbor attack had failed in its objective to completely destroy the Pacific Fleet. In June 1942, this failure came to haunt the Japanese, as U.S. forces scored a major victory in the Battle of Midway, decisively turning the tide of war in the Pacific.
How is that?
A. It was hard for them to find a job or get a raise.
You could get yourself informed on trusted government or political sites. You could watch the news, have verbal sources for information, or research things on various sites of the internet.
Certain Government sites will tell you about the outcomings of the election, the state of our nation with other countries (Such as Afghanistan), and other various things.
Watching the news is a debatable source of information. For example, some news programs tell it how it is, while other sources will pull on your heartstrings or bring up evidence to give you a sense of empowerment.
Verbal sources include podcasts and people around you.
Various sites of the internet means going onto a lot of different sites and getting the opinions and facts centered around something. This can include following a political channel.
Usually books are included in information-grabbing, but there will likely not be a book on something happening right now, as it takes months for a book to go through the stages.
Liberty bonds where war bonds. Sold in the United States, it became a symbol of patriotic duty and supported the Allies during World War I. To put it simply, people purchased the bonds from the government and the money went to the war effort.
I hope this helps! :)