1. no single central bank: a belief of the whig part in early America was to not have a central bank. a belief in less federal authority and government. 2. increase income tax as you earn more money: progressive tax system is what this is. 3. all property rights would be confiscated: communism is this when all,property (except personal property) would be confiscated this is true socialism, communism. 5. farming and regional planning controlled: socialism. socialism believes in planning regional and other and perhaps farming. 6. labour market controlled : government intervention in the economy. regulation to a great degree. socialism in practice as seen a labour market being controlled I guess it would be properly called 'state socialism.' 7. government owns and controls education: government intervention in the education system to that extent would be also strict socialism and unlikely in totality even in most socialist experiments. 8. government owns and controls communication and transport: government would then be given a way to control movement, freedom of movement. this would limit freedom. 9. government owns and controls factories and agriculture: the means of production , the gross output of economic strength being controlled by a government mean that the government is basically the main leader in everything economic , authoritarian in many ways in it's implications. this is authoritarian state socialism.
By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking independence.