- alejarse de ventanas en huracanes y tornados
- preparacion de comida y objetos medicos
- ver noticias y escuchar radio
- seguridad, como en un huracan es bueno bloquear ventanas con madera
- no tirar cigarillos al piso para no iniciar un fuego
The answer to this problem would be that the central government and the state governments influence each other in a federal system. A central government would be most likely to be a characteristic of a unitary state while on the other hand, the state governments would be in a federal form of government which resides on the country subdivision. At which as to how they are influencing each other, they may come in terms of domestic policy because it might go to show that the central government and the state governments' interests and other needs be parallel to each other or might even overlap each other.
•maybe modified from one generation to the next
•tell stories convey info about daily activities
•composed anonymously and transmitted orally
•invented in 2697 B.C.
5A: Northwest Region: Rocky Mountains
2B: West Region: Great Basin Desert
4C: South West Region: Grand Canyon
3D: Midwest Region: Great Plains
6E: Southeast Region: Everglades
1F: Mid-Atlantic Region: Many bays and good harbors
7G: Northeast Region: Rocky coastline and small coastal islands