Select the paragraph that shows that Mason is excited after finding the baseball photo. Mason asked Mom, "Is there a famous base
ball player in our family?" "I don’t know of anyone in my family, but maybe there was someone in your dad’s family," she said, "so remember to ask about the photo when you talk to your dad tonight. " That night Dad called, and Mason was eager to talk to him. "Dad, we found a photo today of a baseball team that played in 1895. Did one of your relatives play on a team a long time ago?" Dad said, "It’s familiar, but I don’t know the story. Some of the photos are my father’s, so why don’t you call him and see if he knows?" Grandpa Ken recalled that a relative played for a Cleveland team, a cousin of his great-grandfather whose last name was Zimmer, so Grandpa suggested they look up early Cleveland teams.