Making a lot of money fast is not the first goal of entrepreneurs
Find the right opportunity
Build successful teams
Make sure that execution is critical
Be aware of your impact
Successful entrepreneurship doesn’t seem to be about the money.
Be aware of your social and economic role
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It is a trinomial with a degree of 3
A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms. The polynomial 9x²y - 6x - 5y² is a trinomial because it has three terms (9x²y, 6x and 5y²).
The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of an individual term. The term 9x²y has a degree of 3, 6x has a degree of 1 and 5y² have a degree of two therefore 9x²y - 6x - 5y² have a degree of 3.
The polynomial 9x²y - 6x - 5y² is a trinomial with a degree of 3
positive it's a Biggers space or recycling