a) 45 b)22.5
Topic: Percentage
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Verb form (ending in -ing) used as an adj : participle
a verb form used as another part of speech : verbal
verb form (ending in - ing) used as a noun : gerund
group of words (no subject and verb) : phrase
verb form preceded by " to " used as noun, adj, or adv : infinitive
phrase beginning with preposition : prepositional phrase
prep. phrase modifying a noun : adjective phrase
participle with complements and modifiers : participle phrase
verb (ending in - ing) with a helping verb : verb phrase ??
prep. phrase modifying a verb, adj, or adverb : adverb phrase
a conjunction that joins words or groups of words : coordinating conjunction
adj. clause essential to meaning of sentence : restrictive clause
verbal (ending in -ing) used as noun : gerund phrase
Answer & Explanation:
It could be because (1) they don't understand the concept of the subject to do assignment (2) they don't understand the criteria (3) the teacher makes it too long or hard (4) they don't want to do it.
Sophie is a girl who attends school in New York. She feels that she can solve an environmental issue involving the reefs. Sophie has been rejected by the professors at the school laboratory multiple times so she decided to set up her own lab at her house where she conducts research on the issue of the endangered species of the reef. On her way to give a presentation to the professors she freezes at the door and builds up enough courage to go in when her friend Sam walks her in. After Sophie presented her
notes, to her surprise the scientist’s applauded.
Limiting yourself also ruins your productivity. But once you let go of that, you'll actually get to work more often and will be more focused (instead of procrastinating, thinking you'll fail, or having doubts). The results will be great too and soon other people will start noticing it.