Failure of their to pay their debts
A few farmers had been thrown in jail for failure to pay their debts. We were afraid that when the Court of Common Pleas in Worcester opened again, they feared that more will be put into jail.
1ST AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : gave the rights to religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
2ND AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : the right to bear arms (weapons and etc.)
3RD AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : the quartering of the soldiers. (the right to have no military in your home except during war time.)
4TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : the right to search and seize (search and seizure) (meaning no unreasonable searches)
5TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : contained grand jury, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and due process (basically the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself.)
6TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : the rights of accused in criminal trials/persecutions, rights to jury trial, to confront opposing witnesses, and to counsel. (which is basically a right to a speedy and public trial.)
7TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : jury trial rights (also a right to a jury trial in civil matters of $20 or more)
8TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : protection against excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment (the right to fair fines and bails, along with no cruel or unusual punishment)
9TH AMENDMENT : ratified 1791 : the non-enumerated rights (individual rights. basically that rights that are not in the constitution are still rights given to citizens)
10TH AMENDMENT : state rights. any right not given to the constitution is given to the states in legislate.
11TH AMENDMENT : this meant that you could not sue another state except with permission by that state's judicial system.
12TH AMENDMENT : the electoral college must have two separate elections for president and vice president.
13TH AMENDMENT : emancipation, meaning that all slaves are free.
14TH AMENDMENT : meant that foreign born citizens can vote.
15TH AMENDMENT : all men have the right to vote, including ex-slaves.
16TH AMENDMENT :in which the Federal Income Tax is established.
17TH AMENDMENT : where people can elect their own U.S. senators
18TH AMENDMENT : in which alcohol is prohibited
19TH AMENDMENT : in which women get the right to vote
20TH AMENDMENT : in which they decide that January 20th is the day a President takes Office.
21ST AMENDMENT : in which they decide that alcohol is no longer illegal, and in which the 18th amendment is struck down.
22ND AMENDMENT : where they decide that a President can only have 2 terms in office.
23RD AMENDMENT : where Washington D.C. can vote for a President.
24TH AMENDMENT : you may not charge people money if they want to register to vote.
25TH AMENDMENT : lays down the rules for who becomes President if the President dies/resigns.
26TH AMENDMENT : where you can vote at the age of 18.
27TH AMENDMENT : in which Congressmen cannot vote to give themselves a raise in the same term.
You got to look it up. i am sorry i wish i could but there a whole side on it.