C'est le 11 octobre
Nous sommes lundi
Charlotte et Jean-Paul sont en vacances
Tu es un membre de la famille
La Martinique et la guadeloupe sont des departements d'outre-mer
La prof est dans la salle de classe
je suis tres intellegent
vous etes de pointe-a-pitre
sorry there are no accents, i dont have them on my computer! hope this helps :)
Une voiture m'a renversé(e)
J'ai fait trop de sport.
J'ai mal à la tête .
Demandez à votre professeur!
Attendez un instant!
Veuillez venir à l'heure!
Ne soyez pas tristes!
Réveillez-vous à six heures!
The babbling stage is marked by a variety of sounds that are often used in any of the world's languages, though often not the language the child will later speak. The meaning of this observation is unclear. Some experts say babbling signals the beginning of a child's language communication skills. At this stage, sounds provide the repertoire in which the child will identify the phonemes of his language. On the other hand, the order that sounds appear during the babbling period is generally contrary to what they appear in the child's first words. For example, later consonants and anterior vowels, such as [k], [g] and [i], appear early in children's babbling but later in their phonological development. hopes this helps!