Answer: shooting is the most important skill in basketball. ... Development of an accurate shot forces your defender to play you tight and become vulnerable to a fake, allowing you to pass and drive as well as shoot.
Wot? Is this some reading
Opera is a large-scale music drama that is sung. It combines singing and instrumental music with poetry, acting, scenery, and costumes.
Many elements of spoken theatre, like scenery, costumes, and acting, are used in opera. However, the importance of song distinguishes opera from other dramatic forms. Almost everything is sung, and the music works in tandem with the singers. An opera, like a play, is performed on stage with outfits, landscapes, makeup, and so on. The plural of the Latin word opus, which means "work," is opera.
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Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther posts 95 theses
On October 31, 1517, legend has it that the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. you all are welcome i was just helping pople that need helped out
Relative scales<span> are </span>scales<span> that share the same set of notes — much like you have DNA in common with your relatives. Every major </span>scale<span> has a </span>relative<span> minor </span>scale<span>, and every minor </span>scale<span> a </span>relative<span> major. For example, the C major </span>scale<span> and the A minor </span>scale<span> are </span>relative scales<span>.</span>