Faber gives Montag a seashell radio-like device in order to overhear Montag's conversations with Captain Beatty, so he can instruct him with what to say. Faber considers himself a coward.
Building the wall or not (govt shutdown)
Her style was characterized by usage of hyphens and weird sentencing so here is my attempt.
Once or twice it happened --
but all the while - i left the blame
to let the blame scorch the sky
and never, ever ----- reach
reach for me, because ---- no one could.
Attempting futility --- again
I rise, I fall, yes-- indeed again
Reach for me, because it seems
It's not possible
To reach, no one could.
<u>This poem attempts at her disjointed punctuation along with the free verse stanzas with augmented flows that seem to be found often in her poetry</u>. Hope this helps.