Answer: Nervous system.
Nervous system is the system found in animals that consist of all nerves and specialized cellscalled neurons and function in receiving and transmitting information to all part of the body.
Nervous system is divided into two:
Peripheral and Central nervous system.
The peripheral system consist mainly of nerves which connect Central nervous system to the other part of the body.
Nerves that transmit signals to the brain are called motor or effetent., While those that transmit signals from the body to the brain are called afferent nerves.
The Central nervous system consist of the brain and spinal cord.
The answer is B - neap tides
option d is the correct option. all the cell in the embroyo would be capable of attaching to one another regardless of the cell type.
cadherins are molecules that allow cell adhesions. various number of cell bind together using this molecules for
proper functioning.
the increase in size lead to to high ratio hence the large the surface area