1. Advanced Cities
As farmers settled in the fertile river valley, they began to grow surplus or extra food. This extra food increased the population of the settlement that led to the formation of cities
2. Organized Central Government
Definition: a government with rules and way of voting or control
3. Complex Religions
Definition: a set of spiritual beliefs, values, and practices
4. Job Specialization
Definition: specific jobs with requirements or specialties
5. Social Classes
Definition: a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status/ Distinguished from other groups by such things as wealth, property, and rights
6. Writing
Definition: to trace or form (characters, letters, words, etc.) on the surface of some material, as with a pen, pencil, or other instrument
7. Art and Architecture
Definition: the arts and artwork of a thing, place, time, person, etc.; human creations intended to express beauty and convey messages Architecture: the buildings and style or architecture of a thing, place, time, person, etc.
8. Public Works
Definition: structures, as roads, dams, or post offices, paid for by government funds for public use.
Racist policies tend to delegitimize the ideals and purposes of the government, since they pose a factual situation in which the rights and guarantees that citizens have as subjects of law in the nation are recognized to a lesser extent due to their racial, ethnic or national identity.
Thus, the institutional racism of governments casts doubt on the goodwill and integrationism that should be on any public servant's agenda today. Every politician or official who carries out racist policies loses credibility in his objectives related to the common good, as he does not seek a benefit for the whole society but directly or indirectly excludes a part of it.
The correct option is:
In terms of policy implementation, hortatory techniques are those that encourage people to comply with a policy by appealing to their better senses in an attempt to make them act in a certain desired way.
This is a technique most useful in public campaigns, such as one to discourage smoking or drinking.