The fact that McCarthyism was so widespread and powerful tells us that American anxiety was extremely strong back then. After the World War II, the U.S. were victorious, but so were the Soviets. So, the two great economic and political powers opposed each other from the ideological point of view: communist vs. capitalist propaganda took place. McCarthyism didn't just try to protect the American way of life and capitalist ideology. It ascertained that everyone who wasn't for it was in fact against it, thereby declaring enemies everywhere, instilling fear and paranoia into every citizen. In the course of establishing the cultural notion of "American dream", the red anti-capitalist discourse (which had already been present in popular culture) was unwelcome and had to be banished.
Castigos y recompensas en el ejército romano Después de formar el campamento, los tribunos se reúnen y administran un juramento, hombre a hombre, a todos en el campamento, ya sean hombres libres o esclavos. Cada hombre jura no robar nada del campamento y aunque encuentre algo que lo lleve a las tribunas.
The city, which was later renamed Puebla de Zaragoza, is the site of a museum devoted to the battle, and the battlefield itself is maintained as a park.