Answers and explanation:
In this exercise we will be practising and acquiring words in order to get our Spanish level better. This kind of tasks are thought to help Spanish students improving their vocabulary inventory, so we need to:
- Understand the context of the sentence: this implies to know the meaning of each word and to understand what the complete enounce is saying
- Understand the meaning of the options and be able to identify its differences.
- Search on dictionaries, guides or the web ALL the words and structures unknown.
Here there is some extra advice you can follow in order to improve your competence in Spanish language:
- READ READ READ! It will help you to acquire more vocabulary and to understand more easily the new language.
- DON´T BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES: Always remember that you are in a learning process and it is normal to make mistakes. Go ahead!
- ASK FOR HELP IF NECESSARY: Remember that you have teachers, classmates, websites and other places in where you could ask for help
- BUY A DICTIONARY! Nowadays is pretty common to search on the web all we want, but you also could buy a physical dictionary to consult every time you need it.
Our SPECIFIC THEME is LA HORA; notice how it exists some phrases and structures that are constantly repeated; for example: <em>“son”, “de la tarde”, “de la mañana”, “menos cuarto”,</em> etc.
1. Son las cinco y veinte de la tarde (5:20)
2. Son las tres cincuenta de la tarde (3:50)
3. Son las siete cuarenta de la mañana (7:40)
4. Son las dos y diez de la tarde (2:10)
5. Son las ocho cinco (8:05)
6. Son las cuatro cuarenta de la tarde (4:40)
7. La clase es a las seis cuarenta y cinco/ siete menos cuarto (6:45)
8. La clase es a las cuatro y media/ cuatro treinta (4:30)
9. Son las once veinte de la noche (11:20)
10. Son las diez cuarenta y cinco/ once menos cuarto de la noche (10:45).
<span>Stem changing verbs have spelling changes in all forms of present tense EXCEPT nosotros(as) & vosotros(as). Stem of verbs are the part of the infinitive that's left after dropping endings such as -ar, -er, or -ir. Pedir translated is "to ask or order". The way you'd put that in present is Yo - Pido. Tu - Pides. El, Ella, Ust. - Pide. Nosotros - Pedimos. Vosotros - Pedis. Ellos, Ellas, Uds. - Piden. Servir is the same way just replace the -ir with the correct change.</span>
In order to complete this exercise, you have to choose the correct form of the demonstrative pronouns provided for each sentence. <em>In order to choose the correct form of each relative pronoun, you will have to pay particular attention to the gender and number of the noun to which the relative pronoun makes reference.</em>
los estudiantes / este
<em>Los estudiantes estos</em>
los países / aquel
<em>Los países aquellos</em>
la ventana / ese
<em>La ventana esa</em>
los periodistas / ese
<em>Los periodistas esos</em>
el chico / aquel
<em>El chico aquel</em>
las sandalias / este
<em>Las sandalias estas</em>
las chicas / aquel
<em>Las chicas aquellas</em>