Reaganomics is the economic philosophy of Ronald Reagan that called for less federal government involvement in the economy and less regulation of businesses and corporations. This philosophy was also based around lowering the tax rate and the idea of supply side economics.
Supply side economics focused on the trickle down theory. This idea was that if corporations received tax breaks, they would use this money to hire/pay their workers. In turn, these workers would be able to spend money on goods within the economy. This would keep the economy going strong.
Congress supported these ideas by lowering the federal tax rate and putting less restrictions on businesses and corporations.
The majorities of all people enslaved in the America came from West africa
By the United States in March 4, 1789
1. The Grand Council decided that a majority of each group in the colonies, the representatives of the Proprietors. the Commons House of Assembly to represent the people, but the Lowcountry elite maintained more power than the backcountry.
2. The colonists felt ignored by the Lords Proprietors and saw them as an absentee landlord who never came to Carolina collected rent and offered them little protection from the Native Americans.
3. because of the king’s desire to control the wealth or to limit the independence of the colony.
4. South Carolina had self-government through a representative assembly and now a royal governor appointed by the king. The power of the royal governor was limited in South Carolina because colonial assemblies controlled the taxes that paid the governor’s salary.
5. The English government increased subsidies(bonuses) for naval stores and allowed merchants to sell rice directly to foreign countries.
6. The English government through the royal governor established townships in the backcountry to encourage migration.
Post-exilic Judaism was the first religion to conceive the notion of a personal monotheistic God within a monist context.