Drunk driving can be stopped in many ways, but one of the biggest ways is by having breathalyzers installed into all cars. Breathalyzers are devices that put cars into ignition interlock when a person with illegal amount of driving levels of alcohol in their system. Their car wont start if they breath into it and they have too much alcohol in their system. Drunk driving is a big deal and needs to be stopped. Ergo, breathalyzers is the best thing to stop drunk driving.
true v true
character development means the internal change of a character, and characters can experience physical change as well.
Visitors should prepare for a trip by bringing clothing for different types of weather
The entire second paragraph discusses how the different oceans/seas surrounding the park causes different weather. There can be dry air, blizzards, etc. which all cause a person to dress differently.
All seventh grade students, including those in the library, should come to the auditorium.