When the diaphragm contracts (it's a large flat muscle), it pulls the lungs down this causing expansion which eventually lead to inhalation of air. If it's injured, then that will be affected.
Answer: Option (C)
Explanation: The rocks at the continental crust are present since a long time, and the oldest rocks so far encountered from the continental crust is approximately 4.4 billion years old.
This has been determined by the Uranium-Lead dating method (Ur₂₃₈-Pb₂₀₆).
Oceanic rocks are estimated to be of very recent age i.e about only 180 million years old.
A plant based diet is clearly more nutritious. In fact, all protein orginates in plants. This is because it does not contain cholestrol, has very little amounts of fat, and is the only source of fiber. The science also bears this out. A plant based diet requires less recourses because it does not require the feeing of animals. The grain, fruit, vegtables, etc. goes directly to huaman, rather than being given to a imprisoned animals first. People should not only eat less meat, the should eat no meat. This is due to the three pillars of veganism. Ethics, envirnonment, and health. It is unethical to keep a animal in a cage it's short life and murder it. It is not envronmentally safe to raise trillions of animals a year all of whom produce methane, which is 16x more potent than CO2. And for health. It is increadable unhealthy to eat animal products. T. Colin Campbell has found a connection between cancer and dairy. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has found a undeinable link to heart disease. There are may more connections like this, which are very clear in their message: Humans can not handle the saturated fat, HEME iron, cholestrol, sugars, inflammatory substances, and everything else that comes with eating animals. Humans basic biology says we should not eat meat. We cannot murder animals with the tools that nature gave us.
The statement that "birds build nests to keep the egg warms" describes a result.
The scientific method refers to an arrangement of steps succeeded by scientific investigators to answer particular questions regarding the natural world. It includes making observations, creating a hypothesis, and conducting scientific experiments.
The steps of the scientific method are observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, results, and conclusion. The result illustrates when one report what took place in the experiment. This comprises detailing of all the data and observations made at the time of the experiment.