1. Recibes, comes, das.
2. Toman, reciben, aprenden
3. Vamos, escribimos, escuchamos
4. Usa, abra, lee
This first sentence talks about you. So the you form is -es and -as. (You receive a biscuit for your birthday. You eat the biscuit with ice cream. You give thanks to your parents.)
The second talks about the students. So the form is they -an and -en. (The students take an exam, receive good grades because the students learn a lot.)
The third talks about us/we. In that form you would use -amos, -imos, and -emos. (We see the book, write about the book, and listen to the teacher/professor.)
The fourth question talks about you but in the informal tence. In that form you would use the same tense you use as he and she; -a and -e. (You use the computer, open the email, and read.)
Hope this helps!