Reliquary is a box for holy relics.
- A reliquary is also called a shrine. It is a container or a box of holy relics.
- These holy relics are considered to be the actual remains or are believed to be the remains of holy saints.
- These remains may be bones, clothing pieces or objects used by those saints.
- The relics are very important for the Catholic Church. It is believed that these relics have healing powers and it is a widespread belief.
A disadvantage of using a sentence outline instead of a topic outline is that a sentence outline is often D. TIME-CONSUMING.
Topic outline - lists words or phrases related to the topic.
Sentence outline - lists complete sentences related to the topic.
Sentence outline arranges your sentences:
1) hierarchically (with its main and sub-points)
2) in the sequence you want
3) and shows what you will talk about
4) and shows exactly what you will say about each mini-topic.
Each sentence in the outline will serve as mini-thesis statement of the mini-topic. It contains the complete and specific idea that a thesis paper's section will cover as part of the overall thesis.
An ad for peanut butter that shows a happy family eating peanut butter sandwiches together.
The association principle is an advertising technique which includes the association of a product with a certain positive value, which can, but doesn't necessarily have to be connected to the said product. Either way, this technique convinces consumers that there is a connection between a product and a value (e.g. family, love, security, wealth, beauty), making the product more attractive. In the example of the peanut butter ad, we have such a value - a family, enjoying its time together while eating peanut butter. This kind of ad is more likely to get us to buy the advertised brand of peanut butter, than one where, for example, just a logo is shown repeatedly.
Answer: Persona-Daechwita-Ego