Editorials or<em> leading articles</em> are articles written by senior editorial stuff or publisher of a newspaper or magazines. Editorials are often published unsigned although the name of editor is known to the reader ( the names are listed in the newspaper ).
These types of articles are usually published on a special page called the <em>editorial page</em>. The articles are long and opinionated, they express the author's point of view on a particular topic. On the same editorial page, <em>letters</em> <em>to the editor</em>, are featured ( letters from members of the public).
The typical topics of editorials are <em>current affairs</em> ( political or economic ), or <em>current events</em> happening in their surrounding ( elections, important meetings, sport events). The editors put forth their views on a topic they feel strong about. They help the readers gain a better understanding of a particular subject.
The ( I ) connects the two poems
Because i is repeated
Romeo and Juliet don't listen to their parents to stay away from each other they are loyal even when they know they should listen to their parents
When oils (fossil fuels) are burned, they release an extremely large amount of carbon dioxide into our air. Carbon Dioxide is a Greenhouse gas which means it traps heat into our air which can be linked to Global Warming.
When large areas of land are cut down (deforestation) then it means Carbon Dioxide is released into our air which can also get trapped and cause Global Warming because it is a Greenhouse gas.
Another thing - As Carbon Dioxide is a Greenhouse gas - Greenhouse gases can lead to a large amount of respiratory diseases and pollution (smog) in areas where deforestation can happen or where fossil fuels are burned and used.
I hope that helps a little bit!