Connect the sentences: the teacher screams. The students are loud.
Oh, It's liebe in German.
I think it's all of the above. But It could just be Bruder if you have to pick one.
Cognates are two words from different languages that have a common origin/meaning/spelling. All of these German words are very similar to their english definitions.
If none of the above isn't an option then choose Bruder, because I know they have a similar origin.
Fill in the following blanks with the correct forms of the possessives mein, dein, and ihr.
Ninas Familie ist sehr groß. Das ist Sabine, 17.(her)ihre Großeltern, 20.(her)ihre Großmutter Ella und 21.(her)ihr Großvater Georg. Das Mädchen da ist 22.(her)ihre Cousine, und der Junge ist 23.(her)ihr Cousin.
A: Hat er auch Haustiere?
B: Ja. Harras ist 24.(his)mein Hund, und Fritzi ist 25.(his)meine Katze.
Can I be Brainliest. Have a nice day/Noch ein schönen Tag.Lg