In the picture, there is a man standing on top of a crushed car. He appears to be wearing a maroon suit and orange vest, with a turqoise shirt underneath. His face is powdered white, with red lips rising up his cheeks. He has green, slicked back hair, and blue eyeshadow. The crushed-car he is standing on looks as if it's a police vehicle, with only the red lights on. The background is foggy and hazy, with shimmers of green and black.
this took me a long time
1) Vaccum your house weekly.
2) Don't drop food crumbs on the floor. If you do, then sweep it immediately.
3) Clean your backyard well too, remove the weeds etc.
4) Wash the floors with water & soap weekly too.
Thomas Paine argued that the British were not benevolent in protecting the colonies. Instead, they protected them for their own financial gains.
the answer is going to A the with private and public areas of white house