Governments apply a Minimum Wage policy on Businesses to ensure the employees working for the businesses do not get exploited and get paid fairly. The trade off here is that with the Minimum Wage law in effect the businesses would face an increase in labor costs, since they gotta pay them more than if there was no Minimum Wage law, and businesses would lose out on some profit due to this increase in labor costs. To reduce these costs businesses might let go of some employees, either by firing them or making them redundant (either way the employee is losing the job) and this increases the Unemployment Rate in the country which the government does not like, as one of the government’s aims is to keep the Unemployment Rate low in their country but with their Minimum Wage law in effect they keep the businesses in check to ensure they don’t exploit their workers but they end up increasing the Unemployment Rate due to Businesses trying to retain (get back) some of their lost profit (that they lost due to the government’s Minimum Wage law).
a. the spacing effect
The spacing effect: In psychology, the term spacing effect was first introduced by a German psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus, and is defined as the phenomenon which suggests that the long-term memory of an individual is increased when the learning related to different events are being spaced apart in interval of time instead of occurrence in immediate succession.
Example: Remembering items in a list.
In the question above, the given statement illustrates the spacing effect.
The meat grinder in the Korean war was actually a strategy that they used. There were stills combats that were being deployed to the war to fight. And most of the attacks are initiated by one or single combat unit. The attack strength is on the lower left while the defense is on the lower right.
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
There are some critiques to the Evolutionary Theories, among them: Biological Deterministic way of seeing the Hominideos and in many ways reductionist, to make it complex things simpler.
Analyzing the options then:
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
These theories were not able to fulfill a model of predicting the future, leaving it blank for speculations. Also, it does not provide a cohesive and coherent basis model to predict the Post Homo Sapiens' future.
Despite those and other criticisms, this hasn't been enough to discard the Evolutionary Theories. On the other hand, the criticisms should be open for the sake of science.
b. Jennifer will recall the capitals and their states better than Jeff.
Jennifer and Jeff are studying for their geography exam. Jeff is learning the states' capitals by repeating them over and over. Jennifer is incorporating information she already knows about each state into the name of the capital. While Jeff is repeating "Sacramento is the capital of California, Sacramento is the capital of California," Jennifer is saying "SacraTOMATO is the capital of California" because she knows Sacramento is in the middle of a rich agricultural valley. If the levels-of-processing theory is correct,
Jennifer will recall the capitals and their states better than Jeff.
Jennifer is making use of word and image association in her study based on information she had already acquired, this will enable her to remember what she learnt better than Jeff who is making used of repetition which can only be store in the short term memory and likewise, a confusion in the words can unsettled what he had memorizes