The first option, "[she] just couldn't stand another minute of the incessant howling", seems to be the best one to finish the paragraph. First of all, the paragraph has very specific and powerful vocabulary like "bopping his head" and "burst". So a concluding sentence should also have strong vocabulary. In this case "howling" is a very descriptive and powerful verb. Moreover, in the paragraph, the narrator mentions that "[the] lead singer sounded as (...) a dog lost in the woods". Using the word "howling", which is something done by dogs, in the concluding sentence would be consistant with the comparison between the singer and a lost dog.
The nineteenth century was an era of great inventions in the united states. look at the list of inventions below and order them from most to least important (in your opinion). then explain why you ranked the top three inventions as most important. 1834: refrigerator invented by jacob perkins 1837: morse code invented by samuel morse 1853: elevator invented by elisha graves otis 1873: typewriter invented by christopher latham sholes 1876: telephone invented by alexander graham bell 1877: gramophone invented by thomas edison 1879: light bulb invented by thomas edison 1886: dishwasher invented by josephine cochran.
You read the speech, then read the newspaper report that was written in response to the speech. Do you agree with what the newspaper said, why or why not? In your answer, incorporate quotes from the speech to prove your point