I would believe that the credit report doesn't include race or ethnicity
It was first detected by Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias.
The letters 'N' and 'R' are the third and sixth letters of the word 'Denver'.
*Think, every third letter of the word.
The word 'Baltimore' has a number of letters also divisible by 3 ('Baltimore' contains 9, 'Denver' contains 6), so the rule established above will also work here.
Underlining every third letter in 'Ba<u>l</u>ti<u>m</u>or<u>e</u>', we get the first part of the pattern, '<u>LME</u>'.
In the secret code language, 'NR' is repeated 3 times (including the first) to write 'NRNRNR', so by repeating every third letter of the word 'Baltimore' ('LME') three times, we get 'LMELMELME'.
if you can get it back, its suspended, but if its permanently taken away, it has been revoked.